Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Faith Skate Supply has been in business since 1995... prior to its inception... Birmingham has always had a rich history in Skateboarding... This is our place to showcase our old photos, videos, and opinions.   Please subscribe to this blog if you want to hear some ranting from a 38 year old skate shop owner that is still consistently obsessed with all things skateboarding as well as other contributors that have been a part of Birmingham's rad skate scene. 
This begins my weak attempt at chronicling my history and my love for Skateboarding... pass it along
Me at 17 years old on the front cover of local skate zine "Trindee Skatezine"
This xeroxed zine meant the world to the skateboarders of Birmingham.. and being on the cover was the highlight of my year!   I remember going to a party with my new girlfriend at the time and Chris Solomon brought in a box of the copies... (I must say I felt like a badass for the night!)   Imagine how impressed my girlfriend was that I got the cover!  hahaha
Stay posted for a mini intro/interview with myself including photos of old and NEW!   Because yes, at 38 years old I still skate.   To be posted on Friday February 1, 2013

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